




작가 이미지

카밀라 스제노치(kamila Szejnoch)작가

  • 네이버로 공유
  • 페이스북으로 공유
  • 카카오톡으로 공유
  • 링크 복사
입주기간2012-09 ~ 2012-11 이메일kamilaszejnoch@mixbox.pl

국적: 폴란드 / 거주 및 주요활동지: 바르샤바

카밀라 스제노치는 공공미술, 특히 인스톨레이션, 조각, 그리고 도시 디자인을 주로 한다. 최근 그녀의 화두는 역사와 이데올로기이다. 그녀는 구식이 되어버린 과거의 층에 새로운 것을 더하고 원래의 스타일이나 기능과 전혀 다른 것을 대조한다. 그녀의 대부분의 작품은 두 가지 주요한 요소를 가지고 있다. 하나는 역사적이고 전통적인 것, 즉 그 형태가 이미 고정되거나 닫혀져 있는 것이고 또 다른 하나는 동시대적이고 열려 있는 것, 재미있고 상호적인 것이다. 예를 들면 그녀의 공공 프로젝트 중에 하나는 공산주의 선전 활동을 수행했던 구식 기념비의 기능을 바꾸는 것이었다. 접근하기 어려운 기념비의 성격에 주목하고 그것이 함유한 메시지를 왜곡하기 위해 기념비를 회전목마, 미끄럼틀 그네와 같은 큰 장난감으로 바꾸어 버린다. 설치 작품 (2008)은 Berling 군인 청동상과 그 큰 손에서 그네를 타는 작은 개인을 대조하여 개인과 역사의 관계를 보여주고 역사의 복잡성을 강조하고 있다.

  • Education

    2006 - 2008 Dutch Art Institute, Enschede, The Nederlands

    DAI public Research & Practice in Art

    1999 - 2005 Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Department of Sculpture

    Audio – Visual Space Section, Art in Public Space Section

    1997 - 2003 Warsaw University Department of Journalism and Political Sciences, Institute of Social Policy

    2012 Kyiv Sculpture Project - international festival of contemporary sculpture, Kyiv, Ukraine

    2012 Visegrad Artist Residency (Visegrad Fund) in cooperation with the SPACE gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia

    2011 “Crossing Identities” – International Videoart Festival and Photo Exhibition, organized by the International ArtExpo,

    Morelia, Mexico

    2011 “HALO! Tu Warszawa” - festival of public space projects in the telephone booths in Warsaw

    2011 “Herzschlag Teil 2” - temporary interventions by Polish and Swiss artists, Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland

    2011 Pirate Camp: The Stateless Pavilion at the Venice Biennale - artists in residency program (May 31st - June 6th)

    2011 ‘Post Industrial Revolution’ - an artistic residency exchange between the UK and Poland focusing on the cities of Birmingham and Gdansk

    2010 Explor-Art 2010, International workshop of territory exploration, AreaOdeon, Monza, Italy

    2010 Festival of art in public spaces “Open city”, Lublin, http://www.opencity.pl/en/

    2010 Individual exhibition “Urban Actions”, Studio Gallery, Warsaw

    2009 Individual public space project “Holy Machine” in cooperation with ‘Fribourg-Nord’ Gallery, Fribourg, Switzerland 2008 Szpilman Award 2008 - awarded to works that exist only for a short period of time and whose forms consist of ephemeral situations, Berlin, http://www.award.szpilman.de/best08.sze.html

    2008 “Oost West Burlesk”, Eurora Art Festival 2008, Rotterdam, http://www.oostwestburlesk.nl/

    2008 One-year stipend of the Swiss Government for artistic development in Switzerland

    2008 Individual public space project "Carousel Slide Swing" realized in cooperation with the Supermarket of Art

    Foundation, Warsaw, http://www.supermarketsztuki.art.pl/projekty.htm

    2008 “Armenia Dreaming” - an international research project and exhibition on ‘post-Soviet’ urban imaginaries;

    organized by the Partizan Publik and the Dutch Art Institute, Yerevan

    2007 “Supermarket of Art” - International Biennial for young artists, „(im)mortal love” exhibition, Leto Gallery, Warsaw

    2007 “Here as the Centre of the World” - an artistic research project of the Dutch Art Institute with the young artists from Beirut, Damascus, Diyarbakir, Khartoum and Taipei - Villa de Bank Gallery, Enschede, The Netherlands

    2007 “The Expanding Pie” workshop and exhibition of diverse public space projects, Kunsthuis SYB, Beetsterzwaag,

    The Netherlands

    2007 “Here as the Centre of the World” - a workshop for young artists from Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Netherlands, Sudan and Taiwan - Diyarbakir Arts Centre, Turkey

    2007 One-year artistic scholarship of the Polish Ministry of Culture

    2006 Public space planning competition “Town and Democracy. Warsaw – the dimension of Poland’s freedom organized by The Warsaw Rising Museum: Award, Exhibition in the Royal Castle, Warsaw

    2005 “Peer Gynt” international sculpture competition, Oslo (Norway): Commission for realization,


    2005 “Warsaw. Time for space” conference organized by the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and the Mayor of Warsaw: Presentation on “Virtual and public space”

    2004 „Duty and Revolt. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 1944-2004” exhibition, Zachęta Gallery, Warsaw

    2004 Polish and German art students’ exhibition: “Transmissions 2”, Warsaw - Stuttgart

    2004 Conference: Jugend 21 – ein Metropolenvergleich Berlin – Warszawa

    2004 „A New Look for Subway Stations” exhibition: Wilanowska station, Warsaw

    2003 „Sculptors – Photographers” exhibition, Krolikarnia Museum, Warsaw, www.rzezbiarze-fotografuja.art.pl

    2003 Open-air workshop and exhibition, Polish Sculpture Centre, Orońsko

    2002 International Arts Symposium „Real Presence-Generation 2002”, Belgrade


    2002 International Arts Symposium Gasthof 2002, Stadelschule, Frankfurt am Main
작품 소개